NY Climate Tech: Climate Month Guide!
100+ events this month, our next meetups (with Climatebase & WeWork), machine learning, fashion, skyscrapers, and more!
What a month! We’ve gathered 136 events so far, and there are still more out there to add. It’s all pretty overwhelming, so we’re turning to you for help! Have something you’re excited for? Recommend it here, and we’ll include it in the newsletter next week!
In the meantime, we have a few recommendations of our own. On Sunday the 18th, we’re holding our monthly meetup in collaboration with Climatebase! Then on Tuesday the 20th, we’re planning on a coworking day with WeWork at their Brooklyn Navy Yard location — we’ll have a lunch & learn, lighting talks, and of course a place to work and connect with others in the climate community. Later that night, we’ll be at the Women & Climate Celebration. On Wednesday and Thursday, we’ll swing by the Javits Center for the Nest Summit one of Climate Week’s anchor events. Then on Friday we’ll head to Chelsea for the Marketplace of the Future. And of course, we’ll be trying to do much more and sending out more recommendations soon!
A Few Places We’ll Be:
Sunday, Sep 18: NY Climate Tech x Climatebase September Meetup
Tuesday, Sep 20: NY Climate Tech x WeWork Coworking Day
Tuesday, Sep 20: Women & Climate Celebration
Wednesday, Sep 21: Nest Summit
Friday, Sep 23: Marketplace of the Future
✨ Something New! Barometer.eco ✨
Hi all, Alec here 👋! I’m cooking up a new project: the Barometer Fellowship.
It’s a cohort-based program that’s 10-weeks long for working professionals in all roles who want to bring sustainability to their current company.
We’re still getting off the ground, but I wanted to share it here first — I’d love your feedback and support as we grow. If you’re interested in joining, being a mentor, or learning more, reach out!
Hot Take: Coming Soon!
Sonam’s out West and ready to report on the heatwaves up and down the Pacific Coast. She’ll be sending out a hot take later this week, in the meantime, follow her on Twitter for updates!

This Week
Just because Climate Week is coming doesn’t mean there’s nothing this week! On Thursday swing by the Columbia Innovation Hub for a session on Machine Learning & Climate Change, head to the Upper East for an XR led event on Fashion and Climate, or stop by the UN for a summit on Digital Innovation and Youth Climate Action. Start Friday off with a sustainable fashion market in Times Square, then head to Skylight in Chelsea for Future Meets Party. On Saturday, join up with artist Nancy Nowacek to imagine future relationships to flooding and water in Gowanus, take kids to the skyscraper museum to learn about sustainable buildings, or head over to SoHo for a sustainable fashion showcase.
Thursday, September 8
Machine Learning in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
Digital Innovation for Youth Climate Action - UN HQ NY Conference & Exhibit
Friday, September 9
Saturday, September 10
Next Week
Tuesday, September 13
Wednesday, September 14
Thursday, September 15
The Amazon We Want: Science Based Pathways for a Sustainable, Inclusive, and resilient Amazon
Colors of the Earth :: A night of sustainable fashion with NY Textile Month
Friday, September 16
Saturday, September 17
Climate Week
Sunday, September 18
Monday, September 19
Up2Us2022—Strategies & Solutions to Save the Coolest Planet in the Universe
Faith-Based Solutions to Create Climate Resilient Food Systems
Dialogue with Youth Environmental Leaders: Creating Transformative Change
Revolutionary Strategies of Food Sovereignty for Communities of Color
Intergenerational Dialogue: Youth Solutions & Priorities for Food Systems
Session 3: Green Jobs & Renewable Energy: Low Carbon, High Employment
#PoweringJobs: Building the workforce of the future to accelerate universal energy access
The Carbon Impact Inside: How Interior Designers Can Fight Climate Change
Nature X Carbon: Mixer at the intersection of Nature, Climate and Carbon
Partnering with Industry and Finance to Accelerate the Deployment of CCUS
Climate Week Meetup for Advertising and PR Pros, with Clean Creatives
Queers in Climate: event for LGBTQ+ professionals working in climate
Responding to the Food Crisis: Future-Proofing Local Food Systems
Earth4All:Five extraordinary turnarounds for prosperity on a healthy planet
Pioneering the possible: co-creation for New York and beyond
Sip & SAF: Conversation on Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Procurement
How You Can Help Solve the Climate Crisis: A Climate Week NYC Event
Making Paris Work for the People: Adaptation at scale in climate-vulnerable nations:
Banking on cities: How to boost private investment in green urban infrastructure?:
Amazon as a Climate Solution: Challenges and Opportunities for Brazil
Towards Net Zero – Cement and Concrete Industry Action and Progress 2050 Roadmap ‘1 year on’:
Addressing Climate in Our Nation's Service: Insights from America's Service Corps
See the Transformation: Renewable Rikers & How to Power a City
The Nest Summit Campus, the Official Event Partner of Climate Week NYC
Unlocking private sector action to deliver co-benefits for climate & health
Climate Week NYC 2022: Disrupting Climate Finance by Health In Harmony
Green Innovation Forum: Spotlight on U.S. and Scandinavian Solutions
Climate Week NYC: The Recipe for Equitable, Climate-friendly Buildings
Beyond net zero – to grow your climate impact by maximizing your carbon handprint
Sustainable Freight Buyers Alliance (SFBA) Members & Partners meeting
Transform to Net Zero: What Makes an Effective Climate Transition Action Plan?
Efficiency + Electrification + Affordability: The Recipe for Equitable, Climate-Friendly Buildings
Critical decade - why action from now to 2030 matters for 1.5°C
Beyond Carbon: Calculating the Value of Next-Gen Sustainability Criteria
Amtrak at Climate Week NYC: Modal Shift to Lower Carbon Transport Systems
Climate Week NYC | Africa’s opportunity for a climate-smart future
Forest Positive Coalition of Action: Driving Forest Positive Change Throughout the Value Chain
Protecting the northern forest: Why the Boreal is critical to saving the planet
In a global food crisis, Africa’s opportunity for a climate-smart future
Plastic Credits: A New Mechanism to Mitigate Your Waste Footprint
Public Transportation: Modal Shift to Lower Carbon Transport Systems
The Road to Resilience: Realizing the benefits of the energy transition
Beyond Zero Series: Burn Ban – The Benefits of Induction Cooking
Final Week
Thursday, September 29
Mongolian Climate and History: An Experiment in Collaboration
Women in Cleantech Part II: What's Next in Energy Infrastructure Investing
Join the Fun!
Submit Events
We know all of you are cooking up great events across New York that highlight the latest and greatest in our collective effort to save our city - and our planet! 🌍 We would love to spread the word. Please share any event details and we'll add them to the list.
We're excited to grow the Climate Tech community in cities across the globe - starting right here in our hometown of New York! 🗽 What started as an 8-person mid-pandemic outdoor dinner has since morphed into a 1,500+ strong and ever-growing group of rockstars trying to change the world. We're looking for volunteers to help us expand our programming into a full roster of community-wide meetups, subject-specific events, mentorship programs, site visits, and more. We aim to be a community resource - built for and by our community. Share your thoughts and we look forward to working with you!
Hi - could anyone send me the link to the list of last years climate week events. I can not seem to find it in this post of any other. I would really appreciate the help. Thank you